Sutherland Core Paths Plan - One Step Closer
29th October 2007
The Highland Council is one step closer to producing its first Core Paths Plan for Sutherland. This plan has been developed through public consultation and advice from the Sutherland Local Access Forum.
A Draft Core Paths Plan for the Sutherland area is being issued for formal consultation for a twelve week period from Monday 29th October 2007 to Friday 25th January 2008. At this stage representations and/or objections to the Plan are invited from the public, stakeholders, landowners and advisory bodies.
The Plan is designed to highlight a system of routes, predominantly in and around settlements, which provide a basic path network for everyday recreation and those used for local travel to work, school or local amenities. The development of the core paths plan is a statutory duty arising from the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003.
Over 450 people contributed to first round of informal consultations in 2006. During the second stage of consultation the Council held 15 drop-in events and received 39 comments back to the consultative draft. These comments were reported to Highland Council's Planning, Environment and Development Committee on the 26th September 2007, which approved this Draft Core Paths Plan for issuing for formal public consultation.
Highland Council's Access Officer, Matt Dent said: "The draft has been produced to check that we have understood what people have said and have identified the most important paths in their area. We would very much value further assistance and the plan is available for public viewing around the county at 25 various locations mainly service points, libraries or post offices details of which can be found on the Council's website at: .
"If members of the public have any representations (comments) or objections they can submit these by filling out one of the forms which accompanies the plan. These can also be found at:"
From 29th October 2007 until 25th January 2008, draft Core Paths Plans will be available to view at:
Ardgay, Melvich, Rogart, Rosehall, Scourie, Skerray, Talmine, Tongue, Edderton, Embo, and Kinlochbervie Post Offices; and Drumbeg Stores & Post Office;
· Bettyhill, Bonar Bridge, and Helmsdale Service Points/Libraries;
· Brora, Dornoch, Golspie and Lairg Libraries and Service Points; and
· Durness and Lochinver Service Points
Greer Johnston, Chair of the Sutherland Local Access Forum said: "There has been considerable public interest in this process, and the comments received have been interesting, enlightening and useful. Most of these have either confirmed or enhanced the proposals, and have helped to ensure that the end result is as accurate and representative as possible."
Councillor Drew Hendry Chair of Highland Council's Planning, Environment and Development Committee said: "The interest shown in the path network has been considerable and this will give the public much greater clarity over the paths and are bound to make essential and recreational use much easier, getting to this stage has been the result of a lot of hard work and dedication."
For a CD copy of the plan or further information please contact the Sutherland Access Officer Matt Dent at Lairg Service Point, Main Street, LAIRG, IV27 4DB, 01549 402729 or email matt.dent[AT]