Interested in a Career in Renewable Energy?
20th January 2012
What can ERI do for you?
Our courses allow you to study for a postgraduate certificate, a diploma, an MSc or take individual modules for Continuing Professional Development and can be taken on a full- or part-time basis.
The ERI invites you to a buffet and drinks evening. Come and chat with us about what we can offer to help you make your transition to the Renewable Energy industry. Advice on funding your studies will be available on the evening.
Available modules include:
Energy, Climate & Carbon
Transition to a Low Carbon Society
Renewable Energy Technologies
Future Energy Scenarios
Sustainable Communities
Energy Modelling for Building
Developing a Community Energy Project
Sustainable Rural Land Use & Energy
Wind, Wave & Tidal
When? Monday January 23rd, 2012. Pop in any time between 4 - 8pm
Where? ERI Centre for Energy and Environment, North Highland College, Ormlie Road, Thurso
Further information? Please contact either Jacquie Black or Hester Jackson on 01847 889570/274
or email eri-info[AT]
We look forward to seeing you there.