News Archive
Changing Community Care - East Sutherland and Edderton Ward Forum
Helmsdale Community Centre will host the East Sutherland and Edderton Ward Forum at 7.30pm on Tuesday (10 August). Donellen Mackenzie and Bob Silverwood of The Highland Council Social Work Service will be leading discussions regarding changes to community care provided through Highland Community Care Partnership.3/8/2010
Death of former Highland Councillor
Former Highland Councillor Mrs Rita Finlayson from Helmsdale has died after a long illness. She passed away on Sunday at the Lawson Memorial Hospital, Golspie.3/8/2010
Investigation Into Offspring Of Cloned Cow
A Council spokesman confirmed that officers from the Council's Environmental Health team had visited the farm at Auldearn yesterday (Tuesday) to interview the farmer who owned 2 of the bulls born in the UK from embryos from a cloned cow. The visit was to confirm information on the bulls and their offspring.3/8/2010
Expo Has Highland Young Ambassadors
Scotland's Housing Expo at Inverness running throughout August has been marked with the induction of its newest recruits. Thirty-five students, all hailing from the Highlands, have been appointed as House Ambassadors for the month-long Expo, which kicked off on Sunday, 1 August.3/8/2010
Care Information Service Available by Phone and Online
The Care Information Scotland telephone helpline and website offers a single point of information on the care available for older people throughout the country. Care Information Scotland (CIS) was launched earlier this year by the Scottish Government.3/8/2010
Reminder For Broadband Improvement Funding
A new deadline date of Wednesday 6 October has been set for community groups across the Highlands wishing to bid for Euro funding to help improve their broadband services. Applicants should send their bids to their local Highland LEADER representative for final determination by the Scottish Government.2/8/2010
Fresh Focus For Rural Priorities
Move to benefit more applicants and help smaller projects Changes are being made to the Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) to ensure rural Scotland gets maximum benefit from the Programme. This will increase the number of business development proposals financed through the SRDP and strengthen the role of local decision-making in community development projects.11/7/2010
Sutherland Fishermen Net Tourist Attention
Two fishermen with over 50 years experience on the seas between them are expanding their business to attract more tourists to the North West coast of Scotland. Scourie's Roger Tebay and Paul Murray pooled their resources in 2008 to form Handa Shellfish.
Making It Easier To Pay Council Bills
The Highland Council is to consult with the public over plans to extend the number of ways the public can pay Council bills, such as Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates and rent. A bonus for the Council is that it can save at least £400,000 per year through changing the way it collects payments.10/6/2010
2,300 People Join Highland Citizens' Panel
A total of 2,300 householders have signed up for the new Citizens' Panel established by The Highland Council to gauge satisfaction with Council services. A performance survey will this week be posted or emailed to panel members seeking their views on a wide range of council services, including contact with the council; satisfaction with services; community life; and how the council can save money given the challenging economic environment and reductions in public funding.10/6/2010
Delivering Support For Post Offices
Consultation to be launched on new Challenge Fund Scotland's local post offices will soon be able to apply for support from the Scottish Government's new one million pounds Challenge Fund. The scheme is being launched to help local post offices diversify with new business activities and become increasingly sustainable.25/5/2010
Handyperson service reaches milestone six years on
A service which helps older people and those with a disability with small jobs in their homes, reached a major milestone last week with the completion of the 30,000th job across Sutherland and Ross and Cromarty. The Handyperson service, which covers the whole of the two counties, commenced in August 2004.
Scotland's Education Is Changing - Parental Newsletter
Parental newsletter - May 2010 Issued By Highland Councils Education Service Scotland's education is changing. Curriculum for Excellence will enable young people to become Confident Individuals, Successful Learners, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors to society and at work.25/5/2010
Concordat For Mod 2010 Signed
Concordat for the Royal National Mòd in the Highlands signed in Caithness A Service Delivery Contract between An Comunn Gàidhealach and The Highland Council in relation to the delivery of Royal National Mòds in the Highlands was signed this week in Caithness. The agreement sets out the partnership between the Council and An Comunn for the provision of services by An Comunn associated with the Royal National Mòd within The Highland Council area.
Council Budget Blog Latest
Council Budget blog focuses on waste collection, street lighting and enquiry services The Highland Council's budget blog will today (26 May) ask the public if the Council can provide waste collection, street lighting and enquiry services more effectively. The new posting by Budget Leader Councillor David Alston asks:- ·Can we encourage a reduction in the amount of waste we produce and provide fewer bin collections? ·Can we reduce our street lighting costs? ·How should the Council deal with enquiries for services and information? Councillor Alston wonders to what extent the public could cope with moving to fortnightly collections of their green wheelie bin which contains non-recylable waste.20/5/2010
Highland Social Workers win national award
Two Highland Practitioners have won the Kay Carmichael Travel Award which was presented at the Association of Directors of Social Work (ADSW) Conference on Friday 14 May. The Kay Carmichael Travel Award is sponsored by the ADSW and the Scottish Government.11/5/2010
New Path Improvement Scheme for Highland Communities
Highland Council's Outdoor Access Team have secured £585,000 of funding over the next three years to help pave the way for a programme of improvements to the core path network across the Highlands. The new Core Path Improvement Scheme is expected to deliver a minimum of 45 projects over the next 3 years at an average cost per project of £13,000.11/5/2010
Campaign promotes seagull control in the Highlands
A campaign to raise awareness of the problem of seagulls nesting in urban areas in the Highlands has been launched today (Tuesday 11 May) by The Highland Council. Although the Council has no statutory duty to take action against gulls, it recognises the misery that gulls cause many homeowners and businesses throughout the nesting season, which is just about to begin.27/4/2010
Extended Licensing arrangements for Scottish Cup Final
Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Divisional Licensing Board have recognised that The Scottish Cup Final between Ross County and Dundee United on the 15th May 2010 is a special event of local significance. They have decided to allow on-sales premises to remain open until 1am on Sunday 16th provided that the premises licence holder makes an application for extended hours.20/4/2010