News Archive
Latest Measles Statistics Published
Regular measles statistics updates issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). The latest number of laboratory confirmed measles cases in England have been published by the UKHSA in an updated epidemiological overview.31/1/2024
Cyberflashing, Epilepsy-trolling And Fake News To Put Online Abusers Behind Bars From Today
New offences have been introduced to criminalise cyberflashing, fake news intended to cause non-trivial harm and other online abuse. New offences introduced to criminalise cyberflashing, fake news intended to cause non-trivial harm and other online abuse.30/1/2024
The Impact Of Winter Pressures On Different Population Groups In Great Britain: 18 October 2023 To 1 January 2024
In-depth analysis on how increases in the cost of living and difficulty accessing NHS services have impacted people's lives during the winter period. The following results cover the latest pooled period (18 October 2023 to 1 January 2024).30/1/2024
Sutherland Area Committee Admits Sutherland Roads Will Deteriorate Further As Budget Cannot Meet Needs
The Sutherland area committee at it meeting on 23 January admitted the roads funding would not meet requirements to keep up even the poor standard already in place. The capital budget for 2023/24 benefitted from an additional funding allocation, the previous baseline allocation of £7.2m was increased to £20m, however, this increase is not anticipated for the 2024/25 capital budget allocation.27/1/2024
Ensuring Adult Disability Payments Meet People's Needs
Edel Harris OBE, former chief executive of the charity Mencap, has been appointed to chair the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment. The Independent Review - a Programme For Government commitment – will consider people's experiences of the Scottish benefit to ensure it continues to meet the needs of disabled people.27/1/2024
Fuel Thefts Widespread - Take Action
Fuel thefts remain widespread within our area therefore please find below some tips to avoid becoming a victim of such a crime. Report any suspicious activity to Police Scotland by calling 101.26/1/2024
Anti-drone No Fly Zones To Combat Prison Smuggling
Criminal gangs who try to fly phones, drugs and weapons into prisons using drones face finding themselves there instead under tough new restrictions coming into force on 25 January 2024. New 400m drone ‘no-fly zones' around prisons come into force Ten-year maximum prison sentence for criminals who breach restrictions.26/1/2024
What The Red Sea Crisis Could Mean For The Electric Vehicle Industry And The Planet
Automotive giants Tesla and Volvo have announced pauses to the production of their electric vehicles (EVs) in Europe. Electric vehicles are seeing record sales and demand worldwide, but a lack of parts means that factories cannot sustain their production.26/1/2024
Great British Nuclear Supports Leadership Role Gender Balance Initiative
Great British Nuclear (GBN) has signed up to support a ground-breaking scheme to give senior board level opportunities within the nuclear industry to women. GBN is partnering Women in Nuclear UK's (WiN) scheme to create and match senior leadership roles for women at boardroom level, providing the experience needed to equip them for future director and Board roles.26/1/2024
Student Placement Supported By HIE Technology Placement Programme!
Highlands and Islands Enterprise student support for placements. Funding applications are OPEN to enterprises of ANY size and sector based within the Highland Council area.26/1/2024
Community Regeneration Funding Awarded To Sutherland Organisations
A number of applications for community projects in Sutherland were awarded funding totalling £528.5K from the area's Community Regeneration Fund. Community Regeneration Funding is an umbrella term for a number of funds that are available for communities/organisations to access in Highland.26/1/2024
Record Renewable Energy Output - more electricity than Scotland used for first time
Green sector delivered more electricity than Scotland used for first time. Renewable technologies generated the equivalent of 113% of Scotland's overall electricity consumption in 2022, new statistics show.25/1/2024
Roads Capital Programme Approved For Sutherland 2024/25
Members of the Sutherland Committee agreed a list of proposed prioritised roadworks which will be funded out of the Capital Budget allocation for 2024/25. The local allocations capital budget for 2024/25 remains to be established which will be calculated from the approved capital budget allocation.24/1/2024
Meat And Dairy Industry Giants Hold The Plant Power Behind Many Vegan Brands
"Cast a vote for a greener planet, lower food bills, better health and kindness to animals. And you don't even have to wait for a general election," states the global Veganuary campaign that encourages people to eat plant-based throughout January.24/1/2024
Average Hours Worked And Economic Growth, UK - 1998 To 2022
Analysis of the longer-term trends in average hours worked in the UK, more recent changes since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and the impact on economic growth. Between 1998 and 2022, average weekly hours worked in the labour market fell by 1.3 hours, reflecting a significant fall for men aged 25 to 49 years who are full-time, and increases in women's hours worked have been insufficient to offset this; average hours have also fallen because of compositional changes in the labour market, with more women and older workers present.24/1/2024
Pavement Parking Ban Enforcement Across Highlands To Start In February
The Highland Council's parking enforcement team are reminding drivers that during February they will be enforcing the new pavement parking ban. The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 has prohibited pavement parking, double parking, and parking at dropped kerbs and anyone caught can face a £100 fine.24/1/2024
Garage rent increase agreed in Sutherland
Garage rents for the Sutherland area will increase by 10% for 2024/25 as agreed at today's Area Committee. Garage Rent for Council Tenants will increase from £7.58 to £8.34 per week.22/1/2024
Heating Fuel Thefts
Officers are reminding the community to ensure they have appropriate measures in place to help deter and prevent heating fuel thefts, following a recent incident in Caithness. It's important to put measures in place to protect your fuel tank and make it extremely difficult for thieves to target your fuel.22/1/2024
Quiet Quitting - Why Doing Less At Work Could Be Good For You - And Your Employer
In many offices (not to mention on Zoom, Teams and Slack), employees and managers alike are whispering about the "great resignation". The UK saw a sharp rise in people quitting their jobs in 2021, and one fifth of UK workers still say they plan to resign in the next year in search of greater job satisfaction and better pay.21/1/2024