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News Archive

Seeking Super Apprentices Across The Highlands And Islands
HIGHLANDS and Islands apprentices and the people behind their success are being sought by the organisers of the Scottish Modern Apprenticeship Awards 2006.  Apprentices, training providers, colleges and employers throughout the region are invited to enter this year's awards in a number of categories.  
Mey Selections Adds £140k In Premium Prices For Local Farmers
North Highland Products - the operating company for the Mey Selections brand - has reported turnover of over £1.2m in its first five months of operation, with over £140,000 gained in premium payments to farmers by the end of March this year for branded beef and lamb.   Mey Selections was launched by The Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay in August 2005 as part of his North Highland Initiative, which aims to boost the North Highlands economy by promoting its produce, tourism and the built environment.  
CASE Approvals List - April 2006
The following are funds approved up to the last day of the month.   Please note that the sums relate to approvals, not payments.  
CBI Backs Smarter Working Campaign
The UK's leading business organisation has announced it will encourage the widespread adoption of smarter working practices, such as flexible working, mobile working, remote working and working from home.   The CBI is supporting Work Wise UK, a three-year campaign, as it recognises the potential to fundamentally change the nature of work in this country for the better, and at the same time increase business productivity and competitiveness.  
Time Ticking For Pick Of Scotland's Top Businesses
The National Business Awards for Scotland, sponsored by Orange, the annual national celebration of business excellence, is now open for entry.  But time is ticking for companies wishing to enter as the closing date for entry is midday 25th May 2006.  
Registration Of Private Landlords
Antisocial Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004 By 30th April 2006 landlords letting properties in Scotland should either be registered or have submitted a valid application for registration.  It will be an offence to let a property, (unless the property is exempt under the legislation) after this date without having either been registered or having submitted a valid application for registration.  
Ten Top Tips For Social Firm Success
Ten top tips for social enterprise companies will be offered at a busy conference in Strathpeffer next month.   Entitled 'A Different Way of Doing Business', the event has been organised by a trail-blazing company set up to help communities establish socially beneficial businesses.  
Overscaig Hotel Lands A WhopperThumbnail for article : Overscaig Hotel Lands A Whopper
A RENOWNED North fishing hotel currently being restored to its former glory has landed a whopper of an idea to encourage guests to visit Central Sutherland.   The Overscaig House Hotel between Lairg and Scourie has installed computer technology that will allow fishermen to view maps or satellite views of available trout lochs, find out how to get to them, see images and fishing records for the best spots and read all the top tips on the recommended ways to fish them.  
Business And BiodiversityThumbnail for article : Business And Biodiversity
Helping businesses conserve biodiversity across Scotland The Business and Biodiversity Initiative provides businesses with free practical, on site advice on ways they can contribute towards the conservation and enhancement of habitats and species locally and nationally.   Enhancing biodiversity can have a wide range of benefits to businesses, including improved employee satisfaction, improved image, reduced noise and visual complaints from neighbours and improved environmental credentials.  
Bridge Hotel, Helmsdale, under new ownership.
The Bridge Hotel in Helmsdale has just been purchased by the owners of "The Quiet Piggy" in Brora.  The Quiet Piggy in Brora is re-locating into the former fishing tackle shop which is part of the hotel.  
North Highland Will See New Winter Vehicles On RoadsThumbnail for article : North Highland Will See New Winter Vehicles On Roads
Schmidt wins major order for spreaders and ploughs to tackle Scottish winters Scotland TranServ, winners of the £27m a year highways maintenance contract for North-West Scotland, has chosen Schmidt to supply salt spreaders, snowploughs, snow blowers and road verge grass cutting equipment in one of the largest single orders for British highways products.   Whatever the weather, Scotland TranServ will be endeavouring to keep traffic moving throughout the North West Unit from Wick and John O'Groats through Skye, Fort William, Oban, Argyll, Perth and Loch Lomond.  
POLICE can confirm they have located missing father and son Colin and Douglas Payton.   Officers received information that the 49-year-old father and his 11-year-old son may be in Switzerland and following inquiries they were traced to an address in the country earlier this afternoon.  
Highland And Islands Enterprise Network Organisational Review
The Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) network is embarking on a programme of organisational change aimed at improving its service to customers and enhancing the agency’s efficiency and effectiveness.   The changes have been expected since HIE launched its new strategy for the area, A Smart, Successful Highlands and Islands, in June last year.  
Caithness And Sutherland Enterprise Approvals - January 2006
The following are funds approved up to the last day of the month.   Please note that the sums relate to approvals, not payments.  
Helmsdale - Painting The TownThumbnail for article : Helmsdale  - Painting The Town
Dropping in on Helmsdale the other day you could not help noticing the bright colours.   La Mirage has been brightly painted in red for many years and the Bridge Hotel and Tackle shop have sported a green and white for the past couple of years.  
Businesses Need To Listen Out For New Noise At Work Regulations
Up to 2.3 million employees potentially affected by introduction of new legislation SMEs are being warned that under new Noise at Work Regulations the noise levels that employees can be exposed to will be reduced by almost half.  This legislation is due to come into effect April 2006 with a two year transitional period for the music and entertainment industry until April 2008.  
Caithness And Sutherland Enterprise - Approvals December 2005
The following are funds approved up to the last day of the month.   Please note that the sums relate to approvals, not payments.  
Lifetime Achievement Award For Northern Times Editor
The winner of the Barron Trophy, which recognises lifetime achievement in journalism, is Duncan Ross, editor of the Northern Times, Golspie.  Duncan (54) will receive his award from Patricia Ferguson, MSP, Minister for Tourism Culture and Sport at the Highland and Islands Press Ball, which is being held at the Newton Hotel, Nairn, on Friday 3 February.  
Freight Transport Association Say We Need A New Forth Bridge Now
The Scottish Freight Council of the Freight Transport Association is calling on Transport Minister Tavish Scott to make an early and positive decision regarding the provision of an alternative crossing to the Forth Road Bridge.   Corrosion problems on the bridge are threatening future viability.  
Tourism Innovation Development Awards
Tourism Innovation Development Awards Got a fantastic idea for your business or area? You could be awarded up to £15,000 to help make it happen! It may be a cliché, but there’s no escaping the fact that tourism is a globally competitive business – and that to compete and survive, Scottish Tourism has to give the visitor to Scotland something a ‘bit special’, and become a must visit destination where visitors’ needs come first.   To meet increasing customer demands, we have to think differently, create new customer experiences, work more effectively together and improve our products and services.